Thank You For Dropping By

This blog will feature novels I've written for adults and YA's, plus some illustrations and designs. Some of the novels will only have sample chapters posted and their cover designs. I'm also hoping to post scrap kits for free download as soon as I can.

Well, that's all from me just now.

Thanks, again, for coming :)

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Book Trailer Hot off the Laptop

This is my first attempt at a book trailer, so hope it's an enjoyable watch.

Winter Roses Never Die is a paranormal/inspirational novel which is prepared to take the reader places that other novels usually are not. It is a surreal and beautiful ride into a world that many might wish were true. Well guess what? We can and do make our own reality all the time. And true stories are stranger than fiction.

Without further ado, I give you Winter Roses Never Die - the book trailer! Coming soon to a screen near you...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Recent Prizes

Had some great writing news. Winter Roses Never Die has won third prize and a Highly Commended certificate in the Second Paperback in Your Hand Contest run by Affordable Manuscript Assessments. The judges comments below:

'Winter Roses Never Die, by Wendy Maree Peterson, is a paranormal love story. Jennie, the protagonist, is a delightful eccentric who lives with her cat and works in a library. As she walks home through an abandoned cemetery, Jennie catches a glimpse of a green-eyed girl in a tree. Later, she finds two winter-cold graves smothered in blooming roses, and meets a wheelchair-bound man named Charos. Gradually, Jennie is drawn into the twilit world of The Family and a love affair that will last a lifetime… or more. The beautiful descriptions and themes of redemption make this a joyous book, despite the dark themes, and the mix of Christianity and (fairly) benign paganism is beguiling. Winter Roses Never Die is for an adult audience, though some older teenagers would enjoy it.'

And this week I also won first prize in a photography/digi art contest for a piece of digital artwork. Brushes by Obsidian Dawn, btw. Frustrating that I'm not able to upload this information to the site. Thank you, Obsidian Dawn, for the use of these wonderful, free PS brushes.

The judge's comment:

'Out of the large number of strong entrants we had one clear winner though. We are pleased to award the prize to Wendy Maree Peterson for her great entry Blown Away'.

Here is the picture.

Both wins were a thrill and an encouragement. Thanks Sally Odgers and Wayne Cosshall for the opportunity to enter such fun and inspirational contests.